The MVP goal is to raise awareness and increase public understanding of the issues we work on. The MVP focuses on educating and sensitising the population about natural resource governance and broader development issues by disseminating accessible information on land, forestry and minerals to the population using different forms of media. Through this, and programme specific efforts to facilitate the participation of citizens from rural communities in national level forums SDI hopes to increase the participation of marginalised constituencies in natural resource governance and development processes.
The programme will focus on developing low-literacy educational materials including a radio drama series which will be aired on community radio stations. It will also produce short videos of community testimonies, highlighting experiences in areas affected by resource extraction, as well as expectations, hopes and fears from areas targeted for development. Other educational materials will include an illustrative booklet that explains the issues simply and concisely focusing on natural resource governance issues in Liberia. The programme in 2013 will develop and pilot a national radio programme focusing on natural resource governance and development which will will involve informed and targeted expert debate on relevant issues as well as interactive productions that focus on delivering local perspectives on these issues to a national audience.
Liberia Teacher from Gbarpolu talks about Sime Darby
Liberian Town Chief talks about Sime Darby
Affected Community Representative from Grand Cape Mount